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My Name is Mohamed Morsi

I'm a Front End Developer

I started studying a front-end developer in university studies and affiliated with a lot of sources, and I learned a lot from the requirements of the track, and I also reached a level that allows me to analyze the design before starting to write the code . . . etc

About Me

I started studying a front-end developer in university studies and affiliated with a lot of sources, and I learned a lot from the requirements of the track, and I also reached a level that allows me to analyze the design before starting to write the code and know the different ways to make each part and shorten the time of the code and also finish projects in record time This is also because of my speed of typing on the keyboard at a speed ranging from 45 to 60 words per minute

Full Name : Mohamed Morsi Jad

post : Front End Developer

BirthDay : 6 July 1999

Languages : Arabic, English

Nationality : Egypt

Age : 23

Phone : 01033866729 or 01097388453

Download CV


Years of experience


Number of projects


I will not show my level in every language, but I will leave that to my projects and to people more experienced than me











Softy Pinko

This is my first project using (html, css, javascript)

First To Do List

This is my first to do list, I made it as an application after the end of javascript


This is the first project to be created after the end of learning Angular

To Do List

This is second To Do List and upgrage to Old To Do List And more complicated

Tempalate Profile

This is the Second project to be created after the end of learning Html, Css

BR Architects

This is the First project to be created after the end of learning Html, Css


G Top Mix

It was the first step in this path and I learned here the basics of (html, css, javascript)


Post basics and development in (html, css, javascript, bootstrap) And also the application of some of the designs found on this site

Osama Elzero

It was a very important step in developing and revising javascript, and I also learned command line & git here


I learned Angular with it as a basic form, but also learned things with it as a foundation in (typescript, sass, npm, bootstrap)


I was following some distinguished personalities in the field and also searching for new things to learn and also gaining new ideas


It's one of the best resources for a JavaScript review, as well as problem solving, ideas, and practice on everything you're learning.